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  • How to install a foldable container house in 30 minutes?
    How to install a foldable container house in 30 minutes? Oct 27, 2023
    Traditionally, it takes about three to five months to build a brick-concrete house. A foldable container house, famous in the temporary construction industry, can be installed in 30 minutes. It only needs two people to operate, which is convenient and fast. It can be used as a building. Railways, highways and other temporary housing can also be used as fixed buildings, such as cafes, apartments, hotels, etc. But how to install a foldable container house in 30 minutes? Let's take a look at it. Step 1: Check the stability of the steel wire rope. Hoist the mainframe. Place a support rod in the middle of the box to keep it stable after smooth deployment. The main body of the folding box room is hung up. Place a support rod in the middle of the folding box to keep it stable Step 2: Push one wall panel away, tighten it with fastening screws, push the other wall with doors and windows open, and secure the screws. Wall with doors and windows pushed open. Step 3: Lift the foldable box room to the predetermined installation position, and put it down after ensuring no one is around. The foldable box room is hoisted to the predetermined position. From the above installation steps of the foldable container prefab, we can see that it only takes about 30 minutes to complete the installation of a folding container room under the operation of professional installers. During the installation process, non-professionals should remember not to stand under the folding box room or crane to avoid safety accidents. Note: When the foldable container is installing, non-workers should stay away from the installation area to avoid danger.
  • How to Keep Workers Comfortable and Productive
    How to Keep Workers Comfortable and Productive Oct 20, 2023
    When working on remote job sites, such as construction sites, oil rigs, or mines, access to clean and functional restrooms can be limited. This can lead to discomfort and reduced productivity for workers. Renting porta potties for remote job sites is an effective solution to this problem. Here are some tips for ensuring that your workers are comfortable and productive when using porta potties on remote job sites: Choose the right type of porta potty: There are several types of porta potties available, including standard, deluxe, and VIP units. Consider the needs of your workers, the duration of the job, and the location of the site when choosing the right type of porta potty. Regular maintenance and cleaning: Porta potties can get dirty and smelly quickly, so it’s important to have a schedule for regular maintenance and cleaning. This will help ensure that the units are always clean and functional for workers. Provide hand washing stations: To promote good hygiene and sanitation, provide hand washing stations near the porta potties. Have enough units: Make sure to rent enough porta potties for the number of workers on the job site. This will help prevent long lines and wait times, and ensure that workers can use the restroom when they need to. By following these tips, you can ensure that your workers are comfortable and productive when using porta potties on remote job sites. Renting porta potties for remote job sites is an effective way to provide access to clean and functional restrooms for workers.
  • 10 Reasons Why You Need A Tent At Your Event
    10 Reasons Why You Need A Tent At Your Event Sep 28, 2023
    Whether you are producing a small event or a big event, having a tent will always come in handy. Here are 10 of the best reasons why. 1. Weather.As we all know, weather can be so unpredictable. If you are planning for an event in advance it’s impossible to know what the weather will be like the day of. Having a tent can save you and your guests from the rain and give you shade from the bright sun. 2.Food.Having a tent can help to create a space and protect your food from outdoor temperatures. 3. Customize.Having an event with a tent means that you can customize the layout of your event space. Need multiple levels? No problem. Need several rooms inside one giant space? Sure, why not. Do you want clear walls and ceilings so that your indoor event will look and feel as if it were outdoors? Sounds good to me. 4. Atmosphere.Think of a tent as a blank canvas. With the right décor, it will allow you to create any mood you want your event to have whether you want it to be elegant, dramatic, or even casual and relaxed. Whatever the mood, it all starts with the tent. 5. Location.One of the best qualities of a tent is that you can reasonably place it anywhere you need to. No need to limit yourself, dream big. 6. Bugs.Everyone hates mosquitoes. We all know you’re lying if you say you don’t. A tent with walls will keep those pesky bugs away, saving your guests from a weeks worth of itchiness. 7. VIP.Certain events require a separate place for VIP guests to gather and be entertained. A tent can definitely provide this place if there isn’t one available. 8. Size.The beauty about tents is that they come in all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t matter how many guests you have because there will always be a tent size that can accommodate it. 9. Sound.Tents can act as sound barriers making the sound inside much more lively and controlled within the structure. 10. Experience.All of the reasons above can ensure that your guests have a once in a lifetime experience. Those are 10 good reasons to have tented weddings. At Topindus group company, we offer elegant sailcloth tents, coastal clear tents for your reception under the stars, or a variety of framed tents.
  • How to Clean a Porta Potty Yourself
    How to Clean a Porta Potty Yourself Sep 20, 2023
    Whether it’s at a construction site, a carnival, a music festival, or otherwise, your porta potty needs to remain clean. A dirty porta potty is not only unsightly and digusting, but potentially dangerous as well. That said, you might be wondering how to clean a porta potty yourself. If so, you’re in the right place. We’re going to show you how below. How to Clean a Porta Potty Yourself There are a few different aspects involved in cleaning a porta potty. These aspects include the following: Remove Waste The cleaning should begin with a removal of the waste. The way this is done is dependent on the type of porta potty that’s being used. Some porta potties possess removable storage drums. Other porta potties require the use of a pump. If you have the former, you can just slide the drum out and empty it into a proper channel; if you have the latter, you will, indeed, need such a pump. Disinfect the Porta Potty Next, the porta potty will need to be disinfected. This includes everything from the toilet bowl to the toilet seat to the walls of the porta potty and otherwise. To facilitate this, you’ll need a high-powered (and ideally scented) disinfectant. Prepare the Porta Potty for Its Next Use Finally, you need to prepare the porta potty for its next use. This means replenishing the toilet paper, spraying some air freshener, and adding the correct chemicals to the toilet bowl. Should You Just Use a Porta Potty Cleaning Service? As you can see, it is possible to clean your porta potty on your own. But should you? Or would you better off using a professional porta potty cleaner? There are a number of benefits to using a professional. For one, you don’t have to subject yourself to the digusting and odorous substances that porta potties contain. In addition, you don’t have to experiment with any trial and error. The professionals will come in and get the job done right on the first try. There’s also the time aspect. Cleaning a porta potty on your own can set you back a few hours. Odds are, you don’t have this amount of time devote. Sure, you’ll have to spend a little money in order to utilize the services of a professional. But, in the grand scheme of things, it’s a small price to pay.
  • How to Travel with an Expandable Container House
    How to Travel with an Expandable Container House Sep 14, 2023
    Traveling is a wonderful way to explore new places, cultures, and experiences. However, finding suitable and affordable accommodation can be a challenge for many travelers. Hotels and hostels can be expensive, crowded, or inconvenient. That's why more and more people are turning to expandable container house as an alternative option for their travel accommodation.What are expandable container houses? Expandable container houses are prefabricated houses that are made from shipping container frames. They can be folded, transported, and expanded anywhere you want. They have various features, such as windows, doors, insulation, flooring, plumbing, electrical wiring, and furniture. They can also be customized with different sizes, colors, finishes, and accessories. What are the advantages of expandable container houses for travel? Expandable container houses offer many benefits for travelers who want to enjoy the nature and comfort of a home. Here are some of them: • They are easy to transport. You can fold the expandable container house and load it on a truck or a trailer. You can then take it to any location you want, whether it is a forest, a lake, or a mountain. You don't need to worry about building permits or foundations, as long as you have permission to use the land • They are sustainable and efficient. The expandable container house can use solar panels to generate electricity, rainwater harvesting to collect water, and LED lights to save energy. • They are quick to install. You can unfold and expand the container house in a matter of hours. You just need to connect the services, such as water, electricity, and sewage. You can also adjust the layout and design according to your liking. You don't need to hire contractors or wait for months to finish the construction. • They are durable and safe. The container house is made from steel, which is fire-resistant, termite-resistant, and weather-resistant. It can withstand strong winds, earthquakes, and floods. It is also well-insulated and ventilated to ensure comfort and safety. It can last for more than 20 years with proper maintenance. • They are affordable and customizable. The container house costs much less than a traditional house or a mobile home. You can also choose from different sizes, colors, finishes, and accessories to make it your own. You can add a deck, a balcony, or a garden to enhance your outdoor experience. There are many suppliers of expandable container housesonline. You can browse through their websites and see their products and prices. You can also contact them and ask for more information or a quote.One of the leading suppliers of expandable container housesis Xiamen Topindus Group Co., Ltd. They have over 12 years of experience in producing high-quality container houses for various purposes. They offer different models of expandable container houses that can meet the needs of home living, dining, offices, hotels,mobile toilets, etc. They have different sizes, designs, and features to choose from. The prices vary depending on the specifications.If you are interested in getting an expandable container house for your travel accommodation or your permanent residence, you should do some research and compare different options before making a decision. You should also consider the location, the climate, the regulations, and the budget of your project.An expandable container houseis a great way to enjoy nature without giving up the comfort and convenience of a home. It is easy to transport, quick to install, durable and safe, sustainable and efficient, affordable and customizable. It is an explosive item in the camping host's house that will make your travel experience more fun and memorable.
    WHAT ARE THEY? A flat pack container, also known as a flat pack shipping container, is a type of portable flat pack container that is designed to be easily transportable in a flat-packed format. These containers are made from steel and come in various sizes, typically ranging from 8 to 20 feet in length. Unlike traditional shipping containers, flat pack containers are designed to be shipped in a disassembled state, which allows for more efficient transportation and reduces shipping costs. The individual components of a Topindus flat pack container can be easily assembled on-site using a 19mm socket or spanner and instructions and can be disassembled just as easily for transport or storage. Flat pack containers are often used in a variety of applications, such as for temporary storage, mobile office, workshops, welfare and emergency shelters. They are popular among businesses and individuals who need a flexible and affordable storage solution that can be easily transported and assembled in remote locations. Why Would you use one? There are several reasons why someone might choose to use a Topindus flat pack container: Portability: Flat pack containers are designed to be easily transported and assembled on-site. They can be shipped disassembled, which makes them more convenient for transportation to remote locations and can be assembled with basic hand tools. Flexibility: Flat pack containers can be used for a variety of purposes, such as storage, workshops, mobile offices and even housing. Our storage containers can be customized to fit a wide range of needs and can be easily modified or expanded as required. Affordability: Flat pack containers are generally more affordable than traditional shipping containers. Because they can be shipped disassembled, shipping costs are reduced and assembly can be completed without the need for specialised equipment or expertise. Durability: Flat pack containers are made from steel and are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and wear and tear. They are a sturdy and secure storage solution that can protect valuable equipment and materials. Sustainability: Flat pack containers can be repurposed and recycled, which makes them a more sustainable option than traditional storage solutions. They can also be used as an eco-friendly alternative to permanent structures, such as workshops or office buildings. Who are they for? Flat pack containers can be used by a wide range of people and businesses. Some common examples include: Self-Storage Facilities: Our biggest market for Topindus Flat-Pack storage Containers is the self-storage industry. Allowing clients to store a variety of items from household furniture to office paperwork and archive item or commercial stock. Schools, Sports Grounds and Clubs: Great for sports equipment, furniture storage, classroom items and grounds keeping equipment. Construction companies: Flat pack containers are often used by construction companies as temporary storage for equipment and materials. They can also be used as workshops or mobile offices on job sites. Event organisers: Flat pack containers can be used as pop-up shops, food stalls, or temporary event spaces. They can be easily transported to event locations and assembled quickly and efficiently. Homeowners: Flat pack containers can be used as storage sheds, garages, or even as additional living spaces on residential properties. They can be customised to fit specific needs and can be more affordable than building a permanent structure. Businesses: Flat pack containers can be used as storage facilities, retail spaces, or even as mobile offices for businesses that require a flexible and portable workspace. Emergency responders: Flat pack containers can be used as temporary shelters or field hospitals in emergency situations. They can be quickly assembled and provide a secure and durable space for emergency response teams to work from. FAQ’s about Flat Pack Containers Here are some frequently asked questions about flat pack containers: What are flat pack containers made of?Flat pack containers are typically made from steel and come in various sizes, typically ranging from 8 to 20 feet in length. The steel is galvanised to make it resistant to harsh weather conditions and to prevent rust and corrosion. How are flat pack containers shipped?Flat pack containers are shipped in a disassembled state, which allows for more efficient transportation and reduces shipping costs due to the ability to stack up to 8 high in transit. The individual components of a Kovobel flat pack container can be easily assembled on-site using basic tools and instructions. Can flat pack containers be customised?Yes, flat pack containers can be customised to fit specific needs and requirements. They can be modified or expanded to include features such as doors, windows, insulation, electrical wiring and plumbing. How long does it take to assemble a Topindus flat pack container?The time it takes to assemble a flat pack container depends on the size and complexity of the container and the level of expertise of the assembler. Generally, a small flat pack container can be assembled in a less than 30 minutes, while larger containers can take an hour or so. If you join container together, you need to allow longer. Are flat pack containers waterproof?Yes, our flat pack containers are designed to be waterproof and resistant to harsh weather conditions. They are treated to prevent rust and corrosion and are designed to prevent leaks and moisture from entering the container. How long do flat pack containers last?Flat pack containers are designed to be durable and long-lasting. With proper maintenance and care, they can last for many years. Can flat pack containers be relocated?Yes, flat pack containers can be easily relocated. They can be disassembled and transported to a new location using basic tools. Topindus containers can also be transported fully assembled. This makes them a flexible and portable storage or workspace solution. What base is required for a flat pack container? Flat pack containers require a level base to sit on, hard standing is ideal. But hardcore, grass and sand are all satisfactory, as long as the container is not twisted. Packing material, such as bricks and plywood are often used to level a container so that it sits level.
  • 7 Steps to Build a Container House
    7 Steps to Build a Container House Aug 15, 2023
    For non-professionals, how to build a container house step by step is not easy. To simplify the operation, we wrote the container house installation guide so that you can quickly complete the installation. Step 1. Main Steel Structure Frame Installation. 1).Install the ground beam. Place the corner joints and ground beam on the level. Connect the corner joints and fix them with bolts. Do not tighten it too tightly to facilitate correction after. After connecting, use a ruler to correct the angle to ensure that the bottom of the house is rectangular. The spirit level is adjusted horizontally to ensure that the bottom of the house is level. 2).Install the purlin of the ground frame, please install the two purlins in the middle first. At the same time, use a ruler to correct the size to be consistent with the angle head size data, then tighten the bolts and install other purlins. 3).Install four columns. Be careful not to tighten the screws too tightly, and you should use a level to correct the verticality. 4).Lay the floor. then connect the long beam and corner joints on the ground, then lift it up and place it on the corner post, connect each corner head with bolts, and also pay attention not to tighten the bolts. Secondly, connect the two short beams. Finally, tighten the bolts. 5).Install the roof purlin is the same as installing the ground purlin, but also install the middle purlin first, and the middle distance is the same as the two ends. Step 2. Installation Of Drainage Structures,Divided Into Two Steps. 1). Install the water gutter. First, paste the sealing atrip on the back of the water gutter along the edge. Embed the water gutter and fix it on the roof beam.2). Install the downspouts. The installation of the main steel frame of a standard container unit has been completed. Next, we continue to the installation. Step 3. Install The Wall Panels In Order, Including The Door And Windows. Fix the bottom and top of the wall panel to the beam. The standard container house unit has one door and two windows, which are flexible and can be changed according to the needs.Then, install the concealed project “electrical circuits”. fix the wire on the steel wire and pass it through the wall panel. At the time of attention should be paid to the technology and material use of waterproof construction to ensure safe living. Step 4. Install The Ceiling Panels. You need to fix two 30mmx50mm purlins at the top purlin, for fixing the ceiling panels. Then, place a ceiling panel and do support, and then fix it at both ends. Step 5. Lay The Roof Steel Sheet. First, cut the glass wool to a suitable size and then lay it on the roof. Then laying the roof steel sheet. Step 6. Lay The Floor Leather. First, Brush A Layer Of Floor Leather Glue On The Ground, Then Paste It. Step 7. Install The Corner Line Of The Top, Side, And Bottom. Yes, the installation of a single container unit is all completed.
  • How Are Portable Toilets Emptied?
    How Are Portable Toilets Emptied? Aug 07, 2023
    To empty the waste in the portable toilet, sanitation technicians use a vacuum-like hose into the hole of the toilet. The other end is attached to a hose pump and the waste goes into the truck there. The truck will take the waste to a water treatment plant to be treated from there. After the waste is removed, the technicians ‘charge’ the toilet, which means they put several gallons of blue liquid into the toilet. This is a disinfectant and odor neutralizer, and it can also measure the usage of the porta potty, so workers know when to service it again. The portable toilet is then scrubbed because there could be footprints, mud, trash, and other items in and around the unit. The unit is scrubbed down including any windows, the toilet set, the walls, the floor, and everything in between. The disinfectant spray is used after to ensure that everything is as clean and sanitary as possible. Once things are empty and clean, the portable toilet is re-stocked. Supplies can go quickly and the paper towels, soap, hand sanitizer, and other items need to be refreshed at that time. This servicing process is an important part of keeping the portable toilets in nice working order. When you rent what you need for your event, talk to the professionals about how often the servicing process needs to take place. You will want to ensure that you get service more often if you are going to have a lot of people using the toilet. If there are only a few, servicing can be spaced out more. It’s important to get on the same page with the rental company about the services you need and when you need them. Toppla is the professional portable toilet manufacturer in China. If you need to stock the toilet for your rental company or resale the toilets in your local, pls don't hesitate to contact us.
    The most common construction material for Porta Potties is polyurethane plastic. This material is preferred because it’s easy to make and clean. Some manufacturers create their portable bathrooms with HPDE, a recyclable material and environmentally friendly. Although different manufacturers might have slightly varying steps for making their portable restrooms, here is the baseline guide. The process starts with heating the plastic pellets until they melt. Additives like colorants and UV protectants are mixed into the plastic The resulting material is put through rollers which press it into sheets that are cut to a specific length and width At this point, the plastic sheet could be reheated and put into a mold to be vacuum pressed for some time. This creates the panel units. Other parts of the Porta Potties, like the cleats and toilet paper dispensers, can be created utilizing CNC machines or injection molding. Holes are drilled into the panels, and the units are assembled in the desired form. The newly created portable restrooms are inspected, clean, and prepared for shipping to the market.
  • Are Container Homes Legal in the UK?
    Are Container Homes Legal in the UK? Jul 26, 2023
    Container homes, which involve converting shipping containers into habitable spaces, have gained popularity in recent years due to their affordability, sustainability, and versatility. In the United Kingdom, container homes are legal, but they are subject to specific regulations and planning permissions, like any other residential construction. To build a container home in the UK, it is necessary to obtain planning permission from the local authority, which will assess factors such as the proposed location, design, and impact on the surrounding area. Additionally, container homes must adhere to the Building Regulations, which cover various aspects of construction, including structural integrity, fire safety, insulation, ventilation, and energy efficiency. It is essential for those considering building a container home to consult with local planning authorities and ensure compliance with all applicable regulations. By doing so, they can create a safe, comfortable, and legally compliant living space that meets the unique needs of modern homeowners while embracing sustainable and innovative construction methods. Do You Need Planning Permission to Put a Container on Your Land? No, you do not need planning permission to put a container on your land if it is for personal use and is not intended to be used as a permanent dwelling. However, if you plan to use the container as a permanent dwelling or as a commercial space, you will need planning permission from your local council. Do You Need Planning Permission for a Container Home? Yes, you will need planning permission for a container home if it is intended to be used as a permanent dwelling. This is because it will be considered a new building and will need to meet building regulations and other planning requirements. Whether or not you need planning permission to place a shipping container on your land in the United Kingdom depends on the intended use and duration of its placement. If the container serves a temporary purpose, such as storage during a construction project or renovation, it may not require planning permission, provided it is removed once the purpose is fulfilled. However, it is always prudent to consult your local planning authority for clarification on temporary structures. How Much Does it Cost to Convert a Shipping Container to a House in the UK? The cost of converting a shipping container into a house in the UK can vary significantly based on factors such as the sise and condition of the container, the complexity of the design, the materials used, and the desired level of finish. On average, a basic conversion of a single 20-foot shipping container can range from £10,000 to £25,000, while more elaborate and larger projects involving multiple containers or high-end finishes can cost upwards of £50,000 to £100,000 or more. It is essential to consider additional expenses beyond the container’s initial purchase and conversion costs. These may include the cost of acquiring land, planning permission fees, building regulation compliance, site preparation, foundation work, utility connections, and any landscaping or exterior work required. Moreover, the project’s location and the availability of skilled labour and materials can significantly influence the overall cost. Given the wide range of factors affecting the cost of a container home conversion, it is crucial to thoroughly research and plan your project, taking into account your specific needs, budget, and local regulations. How Much Does a 20 ft Container Cost in the UK? The cost of a 20-foot shipping container in the United Kingdom can vary depending on factors such as the container’s age, condition, and availability in the market. Generally, there are two main types of containers for purchase: new (also known as ‘one-trip’) and used containers. New 20-foot containers, which have typically been used for only one shipping trip, can cost between £2,000 and £3,500. These containers are in excellent condition, with minimal wear and tear, and are often preferred for projects requiring a clean and structurally sound base. Used 20-foot containers, which have spent more time in service, are more affordable, with prices ranging from £1,200 to £2,500, depending on their condition. While used containers can be more cost-effective, it is essential to carefully assess their structural integrity, as some may have sustained damage or corrosion during their previous use. It is crucial to note that these prices are approximate and can fluctuate based on market conditions, location, and the specific container’s features. It is always advisable to shop around and obtain quotes from multiple suppliers to find the best deal for your needs. Where Can I Put My Shipping Container Home in the UK? Deciding where to place your shipping container home in the UK involves considering factors such as land ownership, local planning regulations, and the specific requirements of your project. Firstly, you will need to acquire a suitable plot of land, either by purchasing it or obtaining a long-term lease. It is essential to research the land’s soning restrictions and determine whether it is designated for residential use. Before placing your container home on the land, you must obtain planning permission from the local planning authority. They will assess factors such as the proposed location, design, and impact on the surrounding area. Each local authority may have specific regulations and guidelines that you will need to adhere to, so it is crucial to consult with them early in the planning process. Additionally, consider practical aspects such as access to utilities, transportation links, and the cost of site preparation and landscaping. By thoroughly researching and planning your project, you can find a suitable location for your shipping container home that complies with local regulations and meets your needs for comfortable and sustainable living. Can I Live in a Container on My Land? Yes, you can live in a container on your land if it meets the necessary building regulations and planning requirements. However, if you plan to use the container as a permanent dwelling, you will need to obtain planning permission from the local council. How Do You Insulate a Container Home in the UK? There are several ways to insulate a container home in the UK, including using spray foam insulation, rigid insulation boards, or mineral wool insulation. It is important to ensure that the insulation used meets building regulations and provides adequate protection against heat loss and condensation. Why Not to Build a Shipping Container Home? While shipping container homes offer many benefits, they are not without their drawbacks. Some potential disadvantages of building a shipping container home include limited space, difficult insulation, and potential difficulties obtaining planning permission. Is it Really Cheaper to Build a Container Home? Building a container home can be cheaper than building a traditional home, but it depends on the design and materials used. While shipping containers are relatively inexpensive, the cost of conversion and insulation can add up quickly. However, if done correctly, a container home can be an affordable and sustainable housing option. As the world continues to focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness, shipping container homes have become a popular option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and live in a more environmentally-friendly manner. Not only are shipping containers readily available, they also offer an opportunity to upcycle and repurpose materials that might otherwise go to waste. In addition to their eco-friendliness, shipping container homes offer a unique and modern aesthetic that appeals to many people. With the ability to customise the design and layout, container homes can be tailored to meet individual needs and preferences. However, it is important to note that container homes are not suitable for everyone. They may not be the best option for those who require a lot of space or those who prefer a more traditional style of home. Additionally, the process of converting a shipping container into a home can be complex and require specialised skills and knowledge. In conclusion, shipping container homes are a unique and innovative housing option that offer a range of benefits, including affordability, sustainability, and customisability. While there are some potential drawbacks to building a container home, the popularity of this housing trend is a testament to its appeal and viability as a housing solution. If you are considering building a shipping container home in the UK, it is important to work with a reputable Architectural Design firm that can guide you through the planning and building process to ensure that your container home meets all necessary regulations and requirements. Our experienced team can help you navigate the planning and building process, ensuring that your container home meets all necessary regulations and requirements. We understand that each client has unique needs and preferences, and we work closely with our clients to create container homes that are tailored to their individual needs and lifestyles. Our designs are innovative, functional, and beautiful, incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly features that promote a healthy and comfortable living environment. Whether you are looking to build a permanent dwelling, a holiday home, or a commercial space, we can help you turn your container home dreams into a reality. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you create the perfect shipping container home in the UK.
  • What's the Life Cycle of a Porta Potty?
    What's the Life Cycle of a Porta Potty? Jul 17, 2023
    The average lifespan of a porta potty is around 10 years, and a lot can happen in that decade. There are many types of portable toilets and they’ve come a long way since the first porta potty models. Just a few include luxury trailers, toilets with baby changing tables, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant toilets, and more. Some units (trailers, for example) are built for custom purposes with a limited lifespan. But the vast majority are durable polyethylene units that are made to stand up to years of use. So, what’s the life cycle of a porta potty? Stages: the life cycle of a porta potty Heavy-duty plastic construction and water-saving technology means porta potties only need to be serviced every 200 uses or so. These stages are a general rule of thumb. The number of people using the unit and the amount of time it spends being hauled from location to location can put extra wear on units over time. New from factory When these sparkling clean units come off the factory floor, they’re generally reserved for special events. Brand new units will usually feature the latest technologies. For example, new solar panel restrooms look and feel more like a regular restroom rather than a traditional porta potty. New units are more expensive for porta potty vendors to purchase, so they may be in limited supply. This largely depends on your location. In rural areas or areas where there isn’t much demand for portable toilets, it may be more difficult to find brand new units. On the other hand, there are events vendors that specialize in upscale events. They’ll have access to the newest event porta potty models and features, and they may be willing to deliver outside their normal service area. Light wear New toilets can be like new cars. When newer models and technologies are released, older units move down a tier. No longer new, but not yet old, these “light wear” porta potties are often used at events and construction sites. They may not be the latest and greatest, but these are clean units in good repair. This is the most common grade of portable toilet you’ll see on worksites and events where many toilets are needed. Fun runs, festivals, and events where large crowds are gathered will likely have many rows of these toilets available. Moderate wear If you’ve ever stepped into a portable toilet that has seen better days, maybe at a carnival or state fair, then you’ve been inside a unit that’s reached the midpoint of its life cycle. These units are still clean and functional, but they probably show signs of having been hauled around a lot and maybe even tipped, dragged, dented, or tagged here and there. Scratches and dents are pretty typical. And they probably look pretty dated as well. You will definitely find these on many construction sites. Demolition sites, in particular, may opt for these older porta potties because it won’t be a complete loss if the unit is damaged or unintentionally destroyed. While these units are still sanitary and safe to use, they may not be great to look at. (Luckily polyethylene doesn’t hold odors, so they shouldn’t smell!) Heavy wear The last stage of the game for porta potties is when they’ve had so much wear and tear that they need to be replaced. This may include damage caused by accidents or general wear and tear. The plastics and parts used in porta potty manufacturing are designed to last longer than their typical 10-year life cycle, but after a decade most portable toilets do show their age. Especially if they’ve been dragged around construction sites. Restroom trailers and custom units that don’t get a lot of use each year could last much longer than a decade. But for everyday porta potties, all the moving around and servicing will add up to more wear in a shorter amount of time. Toilets at the end of their life cycle may be resold to private parties or dismantled to be properly destroyed. So, where will your rental fall in the life cycle of a porta potty? When you’re purchasing portable toilets for events, construction sites, emergency use, or even home improvement DIY projects, it will almost always be in the light to moderate wear category. That may vary by location and demand at the time. When in doubt, give us a call! Topindus will help you find the right portable toilets for your project.
  • Top 6 reasons to buy a flat pack container
    Top 6 reasons to buy a flat pack container Jul 05, 2023
    1.Man portable: As well as being easy to fit in spaces which can't accommodate a normal shipping container, each piece of the container can be carried in by hand if required. 2.Easy to assemble: Flat pack containers take roughly an hour to assemble using a simple socket set. We suggest for assembly that you'd need one person per metre depending on the size of container you've ordered. 3.Strong and secure: Although made with thinner metal to ensure all pieces can be man portable, flat pack containers are made using corrugated galvanised steel meaning when assembled they are durable and strong, providing true anti-vandal storage. 4.Modular: Another reason to buy a flat pack container from our genuine Expanda range is that they are all able to be joined together using a simple linking kit to form longer or wider areas as required. 5.Insulation: Insulated flat pack storage containers are now available, to protect the contents from condensation. 6.Discounted delivery: Due to the nature of the flat pack containers, delivery rates can be kept low as we can share the transport on rotational delivery schedules to different areas of the country.
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